Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Project #1

Life is always busy, but the last couple of months we've added an extra project. With a new baby, especially since it's a boy this time, we have been playing musical rooms. Emily has been longing for bunk beds since Katrina was born, so she had no complaints when we brought up moving Katrina into her room. We started by moving Katrina out of the crib into a toddler bed, which she loved. After about a month of that, we moved Emily into Katrina's room so I could start painting. It took a while, but finally I finished and we were able to move them into their new room together. Everything has gone smoothly. There were a few nights of talking and arguing, but things have been relatively smooth. Katrina doesn't seem to miss her crib at all. She loves having a big bed to spread out in, as well as climb in and out of on her own. Emily likes having her sister close by most of the time. She has actually been sleeping with Katrina in the bottom bunk the last few weeks. There have been a couple of times when she wants to be alone in her room and gets frustrated that Katrina won't leave. I think it will be good for them to share a room. It will help them build negotiating and teamwork skills. ;) The beautiful quilts on their beds were lovingly made by my sister-in-law Katie. What an awesome gift! I'm glad the girls seem to love their room. Stay tuned for pictures of the boys room.

Before: (sorry, it didn't occur to me to take before picture until all the furniture was out.)


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