I know May is only half over, but it is shaping into a busy month for us! I figured if I didn't start putting some stuff on here I'd never catch up. So, here is a little summary of the month so far. At least the part I have pictures for. :)
Christoph has been doing lots of work in the yard. Katrina likes nothing better then being out there helping. Emily likes to be outside too, but I think she spends more time playing. In these pictures Katrina is helping move compost into the garden boxes. I love the seriousness on her face.
Emily had her Spring Sing at school. There is just something so hilarious and cute about a bunch of preschoolers singing. Her teacher this year was Mrs. Vicki. She is great!
We took the girls to see Sesame Street Live. Painful for an adult, but the girls had fun. Emily wasn't so sure about it, since she's outgrown the Elmo phase, but she got into the show anyway. Katrina was mesmerized. It was hilarious to watch her face. Of course, since I'm pregnant I also started tearing up to see her so happy. Every time Elmo would leave the stage she would look at me and worriedly say, "Where Elmo go?" Then, when he would come back she would practically shake she was so excited to see him again. I was really cracking up when Christoph took Emily to the bathroom and Elmo left the stage shortly after. Katrina informed me "Elmo go potty, too." I love how toddlers make sense of their world. I have to admit I was very excited to find light chasers just like they were selling at the show the next day at Kmart. The girls were asking for them, but I couldn't rationalize spending $15 each. The ones at Kmart were on clearance for $2.50!
On Mother's Day we drove over to the coast for dinner. Emily loves the beach and was so excited to run around in the sand and water, even though it was COLD! Katrina was excited until her feet actually touched the sand. Then she just wanted to be held. She did NOT like that feeling. After I took her over to the benches where there was cement to stand on, she was much happier. She did an awesome Monty Python impression (unconsciously of course). She looked out at the water and said, "Look out! Waves! Run away, run away!" while running in circles around the bench. I almost died.
Lastly, while not specific to May, Katrina loves being up in the morning with Christoph. She helps him make his coffee, my tea, and anything else he will let her do. She gets a little annoyed if I'm around during her Daddy time. Usually he does it so I can try to sleep a little longer, but today I was up, so she is helping him make me a bagel. He's so great! If you are very observant you can find his latest obsession in the background. That's a whole post in and of itself. :)
May has been good so far, although a bit hectic. Somehow, with baby number three's arrival a mere three weeks away I don't see things slowing down anytime soon! Grandma will be here in two and a half weeks! Yay! Now back to nesting, I mean cleaning...
Nice post Lisa! You guys have done a lot! Did Mary ever call you? Hope you're having a good week. We'll probably see you Sunday~