Monday, October 22, 2007

The Word Is Out

Yes, we are having another baby. We are all excited and happy as you can see from Emily's reaction:

According to my calculations (haven't seen a doctor yet) I am eight weeks and my due date is June 3, 2008. That just happens to be my dad's birthday which I think is pretty cool. So far things are going fine, although I'm not enjoying the morning sickness or the exhaustion. More on that later. It's my blog and I'll whine if I want to... :) but I'll try to keep this post upbeat. Of course Katrina has no idea what's going to hit in 32 short weeks, but she currently LOVES babies, so I feel confident in her ability to adapt. It will be interesting to see the differences having kids two vs three years apart. Anyway, that's all for now. I'll keep you posted on further developments (hehe).


  1. Am I really the first to congratulate you??? Congratulations!!! That was a cute way of announcing it to all of us. May God grant you a healthy, happy pregnancy, Lisa. You probably better break it to Emily that you have an 80% chance of having another girl.

    Much love,
    Aunt Roxann

  2. Congratulations!

    Here's to a happy healthy baby in 9 months!

    So happy for your guys! :-)

  3. Oh wow--I'm so excited for you guys!!! Congrats!

  4. Congratulations! Cute video.
